Guitar Lessons

Learn in 60 seconds!

This week we kicked off a new segment on our social media schedule... Tea Break Lessons! There comes a point in the day where Dan sits back, has a cup of tea, and has a 60-second chat about a guitar concept. It's fun, it's easy and it'll help your playing.

In the first three sessions Dan looked at the idea of creating your own chord shapes, changing a C major to Cadd9 and a cool lead lick! The challenge and fun thing about these lessons are that we only have 60 seconds to get a concept across to you! The concept, therefore, is laser-focused and allows you to learn something cool and fun in just 1 minute. Whether you are at home with the guitar or not, it'll still work.

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These lessons are only available via our social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Click on these links to find the pages and follow us. We'll be sure to post a few a week for good measure! Speak soon.