Guitar Practice Log

11 July 2018

We have a new section to the site called Improvisation Station, and today Dan (our Managing Director who also offers Skype guitar lessons) gives it a little try! Check out the video here.

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9 July 2018

A massive congratulations to Ioan who has just passed his first guitar grade with a 100% score! This is an amazing achievement as it is very rare to score 100% in any form of practical exam, especially guitar playing. We are absolutely sure that this is the first of many guitar grades, and it won't be long before he's taking Grade 8!

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6 July 2018

We're excited to announce a new section to our website. We're calling it Guest Corner and it's a place where we can invite the best guitar players, tutors, makers and business people. We think it's an important part of your wider guitar education to hear from those who can inspire you to keep practicing, keep working and keep loving music!

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6 July 2018

We've got an exciting day ahead, with three new tutors starting today! As with all of our tutors, we always kick off with a training day, where we bring the tutors up to speed! We cover everything from our unique guitar lesson system, up to date teaching techniques and we even squeeze in a good old fashion jam session!

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3 July 2018

Last week we hit a big milestone for us on YouTube - 700,000 views on our videos. This means a huge amount to us as we are working really hard on the channel and excited about how many people are starting to find our website, and more importantly, how many people are loving it!

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2 July 2018

Today we want to say a massive congratulations to Amy, one of our tutors in Bristol, who has just hit 250 lessons taught with YGA. This is a massive achievement and a testimonial to her incredible teaching. She has only been teaching with us for 6 months and has already hit that number. Now for 500!

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29 June 2018

After our last set of videos where Jorma played 3 Vintage guitar models, the powers that be at JHS (the Vintage supplier) have sent us 10 more guitars to play! These guitars are great because they are perfect for our students. They play well, feel amazing and look amazing... Plus they are crazy cheap for the price.

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27 June 2018

One of our newer students in Brighton is Andy Guitar! Andy is one of the most famous internet guitar teachers, with a subscriber total of around 750K and growing by the tens of thousands every month. He agreed to meet with me on Skype and have a chat! We recorded the whole thing and will be releasing on our YouTube channel and website in the next few days!

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26 June 2018

Over the past few months we've been working with The Guitar Magazine to produce the tuition content for their YouTube channel and website. We have had great fun working out songs and producing the videos! One of the pay-offs for us is advertising in their magazine, underneath the tutorial section. How cool does it look?!

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26 June 2018

Over the past few months we've been working with The Guitar Magazine to produce the tuition content for their YouTube channel and website. We have had great fun working out songs and producing the videos! One of the pay-offs for us is advertising in their magazine, underneath the tutorial section. How cool does it look?!

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