James and Chris now start to demonstrate exactly how you measure and adjust action on a Gibson style guitar. To measure action effectively, you will need a few tools, which the guys will walk you through in this lesson.
For the sake of this video, we will be working towards a standard action height, which is three 32nds on the low string and two 32nds on the high string. If you are unsure as to what action you should work towards, this is a safe bet and will work for most rock / blues players. To be able to accurately measure and adjust the action, we need the following tools:
1. 6" rule with 32nds & 64ths
The ruler needs to have fine measurements as we are dealing in very subtle changes when adjusting the string height.
2. Small spanner
This isn't a necessity, but a small spanner like this well help you easily adjust the bridge height. It will also help t stop you damaging the bridge in any way by using more clunky, heavy duty tools.
When you come to measure and change your action, here is a simple checklist that will help guide you through the process.
Ready to move on? Remember to check out every lesson in this unit first – then try the next unit...
We complete our action how series by looking at the more complicated Fender style bridge. This style of bridge allows adjustments to every single string, rather than just the simple low and high from the Gibson bridge.