We now switch over to a typical 3x3 style tuning system, which is where you have 3 tuning pegs on each side of the headstock. This is typical of Gibson guitars, but is also seen on acoustics and many other brands of guitar.
The first point to remember with these tuners is to make sure the tuning peg holes are all facing the same way before you put the strings on. This will make it a lot easier as you then start to restring the guitar. They should all be facing forwards like this.
With 3x3 tuners, there is a slightly different process getting a good string change. The process is as shown below:
As a final point, for the thinner strings it is beneficial to use James' technique to create an extra break angle. This involves using the thumb and first finger as shown in the image here:
Ready to move on? Remember to check out every lesson in this unit first – then try the next unit...
In this walkthrough, we look at how to restring acoustic guitars. The headstock part of the process is very similar to the 3x3 style tuners process, but the bridge is a totally different ball game!