Free guitar lesson
Back to course indexIn our first ever episode on Another Guitar Show we start with the question "what is the number 1 thing that will improve your guitar playing". We also introduce two ear challenge sections to the show! see a full write up below as well!
As the guys chat about in the first part of the video, using a metronome is so important to progressing your playing. So, the only thing the guys didn't talk about is where to find a metronome. You have a tonne of options from apps, websites, physical products and more. Here are a few links that may help you find the perfect metronome for you.
We loved this section! The four tracks were 'Sunshine Of Your Love', 'Sweet Home Alabama', 'Whole Lotta Love' and 'Twist & Shout'! If you are interested in learning these tracks, simply click the links below and we'll direct you to either the lesson on our site or on Andy's!
For the final part of the show we challenge Andy & Chris to test each others ear skills! We had some really cool little licks on display from both chaps, so we've tabbed them out below, including the scales they are from. Give them a try yourself!
Thomas Lick #1
Thomas Lick #2
Thomas Lick #3
Andy Lick #1
Andy Lick #2
Andy Lick #3
Ready to move on? Remember to check out every lesson in this unit first – then try the next unit...
Episode 2 - How to Play A Guitar Solo Without Thinking
In our second show we discuss a number of ways you can start to develop your improvisation and guitar soloing skills without learning a tonne of songs, solo's or scales. We also play 'name that riff in one' with Andy and Thomas... It's a shame Thomas doesn't know the name of any songs!