Another Guitar Show

We hook up with Andy Crowley to put together a super cool, weekly guitar show, that's focus is education. Of course, that doesn't mean we can't have fun! We're not talking gear, we're not selling anything, it's just two guitar tutors talking about teaching and helping you take the next steps in your guitar journey!

  • Episode 1 - The Number #1 Thing That Will Improve Your Guitar Playing
    In our first ever episode on Another Guitar Show we start with the question "what is the number 1 thing that will improve your guitar playing". We also introduce two ear challenge sections to the show!

  • Episode 2 - How to Play A Guitar Solo Without Thinking
    In our second show we discuss a number of ways you can start to develop your improvisation and guitar soloing skills without learning a tonne of songs, solo's or scales. We also play 'name that riff in one' with Andy and Thomas... It's a shame Thomas doesn't know the name of any songs!

  • Episode 3 - The Christmas Special
    It's Christmas, and that can only mean one thing for guitar players... Jazzy chords and dodgy guitar presents! In this episode, as well as playing through some Christmas crooner classics, we talk about great gifts you can buy for guitarists at Christmas time!

  • Episode 4 - Acoustic Special
    In this episode we really focus in on how to bring your acoustic playing to life. Both Thomas and Andy have some great tips to get your acoustic chords and lead playing sounding fantastic, without making too many changes to your playing style.

  • Episode 5 - The Blues Special
    The guys talk all about the blues! We look at cool chords, lead lines and just the general mentality to get into the blues spirit and way of playing. There is also some unbelievably good playing from both Thomas and Andy... B.B.King eat your heart out!

  • Episode 6 - Beginners Acoustic Guitar Special
    In this episode Andy and Thomas take you back to the very basics that you need to learn as a beginner acoustic guitar player. They even take things one step further and put themselves in the position of a beginner student by playing left handed!

  • Episode 7 - Beginners Electric Guitar Special
    In this episode Andy and Thomas take you back to the very basics that you need to learn as a beginner electric guitar player. They even take things one step further and put themselves in the position of a beginner student by playing left handed!

  • Episode 8 - How To Learn More Songs
    On this episode we really focus in on the power of the capo to get you quickly learning a tonne of songs and start to learn key based patterns on the guitar.

  • Episode 9 - Tips For Smashing Your Guitar Goals In 2019
    In this lesson Andy and Thomas take us through a variety of tips to help you achieve your goals this year! We cover barre chords, practice routines and have a lot of fun jamming!

  • Episode 10 - Electric Guitar Riffs Explosion!
    In today's episode, Andy and Thomas take a look at rock riffs! How are they written, what makes a great riff. We take 3 awesome rock riffs to analyse, and even try to learn our own!

  • Episode 11 - Get Started Playing Lead Guitar
    In this lesson we take a broad look at where to start when learning how to solo. We even take a quick look at a some awesome solos to help you understand how we can learn from the best!

  • Episode 12 - Tasty Licks Special
    In this super cool lesson we will be looking at 4 really tasty licks that you can use in your playing today! We tackle licks that span genres, keys and difficulty level. Join us and get those licks in your soloing!