Another Guitar Show: Episode 3 - The Christmas Special

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Summary: Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas, and that can only mean one thing for guitar players... Jazzy chords and dodgy guitar presents! In this episode, as well as playing through some Christmas crooner classics, we talk about great gifts you can buy for guitarists at Christmas time!

Part 1: Great Gifts for christmas

Today the guys are talking about great little gifts for guitar players over Christmas. We all know that your loved ones woul dlike to get you some guitar related gifts, and you can get some great things to buy, no matter your budget. Here's a great list for you:

Part 2: Songs

The chaps did two fantastic arrangements of classic Christmas tunes, White Christmas & The Christmas Song. We'll be doing full lessons of these tunes for you, which you can find below. To help you get started though, you can use the scales below to work out the melody of each of the songs. For 'The Christmas Song' we use the scale of C# major, and for 'White Christmas' we are using the G major scale across the neck. Here are those scales:

The Christmas Song

White Christmas

Part 3: Name That Tune In One

I'm sure you got them, but the songs were: "Have Yourself A Merry Little Chrimstas" & "Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End)". Below you'll find the links to how to play all the tunes from this epiode, either from our site, or Andy's!

Ready to move on? Remember to check out every lesson in this unit first – then try the next unit...

Episode 4 - Acoustic Special

In this episode we really focus in on how to bring your acoustic playing to life. Both Thomas and Andy have some great tips to get your acoustic chords and lead playing sounding fantastic, without making too many changes to your playing style.