Another Guitar Show: Episode 8 - How To Learn More Songs

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Summary: Learning songs faster

On this episode we really focus in on the power of the capo to get you quickly learning a tonne of songs and start to learn key based patterns on the guitar. We also look at how knowing your theory makes things so much easier!

Chords: Where to start!

As a basic starter, the capo allows you to play songs that you deem to be too hard, as they contain barre chords, or open chord shapes that you struggle to play. The question is though, how do you know where to put the capo. Well, this comes down to the CAGED chord system. Even if you can't necessarily play the CAGED chord shapes, a simple knowledge of it will help you learn how to transpose tracks. Check out these chords below:

As you can see, all of these chords above contain the same notes of G major, and are all in fact G major. If you look really hard at those chords you'll see some familiar shapes - The C shape open chord, A shape, G shape, E shape and D shape. How cool is that? So imagine that the song has a G major, but you hate playing the open G. Pop your capo on the 5th fret, play a D shape chord and you'll have a spangly G major!

    Keep learning: CAGED System

    If you really want to dive in a little deeper and master the CAGED chord system, check out this course: CAGED Chord Course. It will ensure that you can easily understand how transposing with a capo works, plus give you loads of new skills that will rapidly advanced your guitar playing.

Theory: Major scale harmonisation

The idea of learning songs based on their numbers within a key will quickly have you learning a lot of songs! The basic idea is that within a major scale you have 7 notes, and from each note you can make a chord. There is a formula you need to know which chord is which... Check it out here:

You can apply this idea to any key. So when people start saying to you I'm playing a 1, 4, 5 in the key of C major (for example), this should now feel a little clearer. Thomas has a super cool way of learning this, and you can find a full course all about here right here: Scale Harmony Theory Course.

Ready to move on? Remember to check out every lesson in this unit first – then try the next unit...

Episode 9 - Tips For Smashing Your Guitar Goals In 2019

In this lesson Andy and Thomas take us through a variety of tips to help you achieve your goals this year! We cover barre chords, practice routines and have a lot of fun jamming!