Artist Style Jam Tracks: Jimi Hendrix Style

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Try out your licks over our backing tracks in the style of the most influential guitarist ever! We kick off with full on rock riff style that Hendrix did so well, then move on to some of his more subtle styles later on.

This is a full on fuzz fueled Hendrix style rock riff track! The riff is all based around E Minor pentatonic which means the E Minor pentatonic scale will fit perfectly over the whole thing!

Have some fun with this one - turn up the fuzz and play those E minor pentatonic licks! Here's the scale in all positions on the neck:

This track also features the E7#9 Chord, also known as the Hendrix Chord because he made it famous! The E minor pentatonic scale works really well over this too, just be mindful of the flat 3rd in the pentatonic as the chord contains a major 3rd which would be a semitone away. Here's how to play that chord:

    Keep Learning: Jimi Hendrix Player Study

    Many thanks for watching this video and visiting the website. We've barely even scratched the surface of what you can play over this Hendrix style track. If you'd like a far more in-depth tutorial we have a full Jimi Hendrix player study that is 100% free and ready for you to use, including interactive tab! See the course here: How To Play Like Jimi Hendrix.

Coming Soon!

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