Another Guitar Show: Episode 12 - Tasty Licks Special

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Lick 1: B Dorian Lick

Our first lick, played by Thomas, is based around the B minor pentatonic scale shape 1, plus the addition of a dorian note (the major 6th note). Below you can find the tab for the lick, as well as the two scale shapes we are thinking about.

Lick 2: Cycling Pentatonic Lick

Our second lick, played by Andy, is based around the A minor pentatonic scale shape 1. Below you can find the tab for the lick (which we've repeated three times, but you can go crazy and do it as many times as you like!), as well as the scale shape we are thinking about.

Lick 3: D Major Arpeggio Lick

Our third lick is very much based on a D major arpeggio, but we add in an extra note (the 4th of the D major scale). This is a super cool lick over the key of D major, and you can also surround it with your D major pentatonic shape 4 if you like (as we show you below!).

Lick 4: Bluesy V to VI chord

Our final lick is a super cool bluesy one! We are going from the 5 chord to the 4 chord, which in this case is the B7 to A7 chord. We are using a cool idea where we roll through the minor and major pentatonic scales surrounding the chord. Here is the lick and the scale / chord ideas.

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